

Welcome to Linda G Hill’s Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “antic.” Use it as a word or find a word that contains it. Bonus points if you do both. Enjoy!

Here is my take on it….enjoy reading…


When I saw the word ‘antic’ the first thing I thought of
is the word romantic…..

In this world the youngsters and the young at heart
are so romantic
showing off their love in a big way
which makes it so gigantic
to prove their love
they might even want to cross the Atlantic
and if their love is not shown
then they get frantic

Jasmine and Rowan were a very romantic couple….always walking
hand in hand and going everywhere together…not only in their happy times but when problems arose whether they were gigantic or small.If anyone would say anything bad or morose to them they would get frantic

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